The Healing Journey
September 2023
Several months back, I approached our Regional Director, Brad Everett, about introducing trauma healing groups in our region. He graciously responded by asking me to write a proposal for it. With his help, I did, and it was approved by him and his team. I was overjoyed to get this news.
I wasted no time in reaching out to students who indicated at our Black student conference they would be interested in such a group. I had the privilege of taking six young and gifted African American women (one missing from photo up top) through the healing group material from the Truama Healing Institute. It was an amazing experience for all of us. The Lord made His presence known.
Pilot Student Healing Group, a rich time of meeting with God together to receive His healing.
New Student Healing Group, that Rae is hosting since completing the pilot group. She is a joy!
Audio Healing Group, where five women from my church piloted the new audio/app version of the healing group. The Lord surely met us!
Berry College, their InterVarsity student leaders invited me to train them in “Grace Filled Mental Health,” my faith-based mental health curriculum. My first instructor, Julia, and I led them through this time.
Tuskegee University, an HBCU (Historically Black College & Univ.), where you will find Summer Richardson doing amazing work among students. I joined her for a few days to support her InterVarsity work. It was an encouraging time.
Rejoice with me in all that our great God is doing!
Trauma Healing
Berry College InterVarsity Student Leaders
Summer & Tuskegee InterVarsity
Student Leaders
Audio Pilot Healing Group
Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name!!
I'm grateful for all of your support!!
October 2022 Ministry Update
October 2022 Ministry Update
Time is moving really fast! I can't believe we are almost in the middle of October, but we are! I hope my note finds you doing well.
I have really enjoyed my role as a Spiritual Director for our Southeast region. I am honored to spend time with people on the holy ground of their lives. We had our first regional spiritual retreat. For those who chose to meet together first, I started the day with a focus on "A Time of Refreshing." Staff were supplied a retreat guide on the topic.
I started a women's group with our Southeast women entitled, "The Collective Women of the Southeast." We've had some lively discussions so far. Prayerfully, these interactions will be encouraging ones.
The week of October 10th, I was chosen as a juror for the first time. Wow! What an interesting experience. I started out with a bad attitude, but the Holy Spirit checked me and straightened me up. I learned a whole lot.
I've connected with a new church since the pandemic. I have joined with the Renovation Church community. I just jumped right in. This fall I am leading a writer's small group, and LOVING it!
September 24th, I traveled back home to Adel, Georgia to celebrate my 50th high school reunion. Pat is a dear high school friend. We had fun!
My health has stabilized, and I am grateful for that. For the most part, I get to do just what I want to physically. Indeed, we cannot take our health for granted.
Thank you to those who invest in this ministry. I am eternally grateful. For those who may want to invest prayerfully and financially, you may do so by clicking the button below.
Blessings, and thank you!
Our Dwelling Place
July 2, 2022
Our Dwelling Place
July 2, 2022
“The eternal God is a dwelling place,
And underneath are the everlasting arms;
And He drove out the enemy from before you,
And said, ‘Destroy!’
Deuteronomy 33:27 NASB
Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations.
Psalm 90:1 NASB
In the context of these verses, dwelling is a place of refuge, a retreat. What a glorious picture to think of retreating in God for safety-hanging out in Him and with HIm. In this world, a safe place of refuge for our souls is paramount! I continually find in God a safe dwelling place for my soul. I am thankful that He keeps me safe from the enemy-not that the enemy doesn't strike, because he will. BUT! I can trust the One who is in control of the enemy. And He said, "Destroy!"
Whatever you may be facing today, may you find rest dwelling in HIm.
The Door
The Door
July 1, 2022
As I am studying the attributes and characteristics of God, I became intrigued with him as the "Door." John 10:1-9 takes us into the heart of God as the "Door." Jesus says, "I am the Door!" During this time, I also realized how much I enjoy looking at doors, with their many shapes and colors.
Jesus is leader and Lord of the flock. Those who know Jesus follow and obey him because they know his voice. He is not like any abusing voices (thieves and robbers who are in conflict with him), but the voice of the Good Shepherd. His sheepfold is a place of security and shelter for God's family. He knows us, and calls us by name-John 10:3; Isaiah 45:3-4, and Exodus 33:17.
Jesus declares, "My sheep." His sheep listen to obey. His sheep, by listening to his voice, have heard his call to enter into his sheepfold. In coming through The Door, the true sheep are saved through faith, and now belong to God's family forever.
As I continue my enjoyment of looking at doors, I believe this reality of The Door will often come to mind. Praise God for our Door!
July 2022 Ministry Update
July 2022 Ministry Update
So, July 1 started our new fiscal year. This new fiscal year brings new things for me. I started my new role as our Regional Specialist for Spiritual Formation, SE Region. I am quite excited for this opportunity. The role will include the following:
Providing spiritual direction for the Southeast Regional Leadership Team
Providing spiritual direction for regional monthly retreat days, spiritual retreats, and staff training
Offering mental health resources to staff, students, and churches as needed
Continuing engagement with Nurses Christian Fellowship
Providing resources for mental health and spiritual formation nationally
Your continued prayers and support are much appreciated. Thank you so much!
love and blessings,
May 2022 Ministry Update
May 2022 Ministry Update
As the school year has ended, I’ve got lots to be thankful for. Our God is faithful to keep his word in every way. This group picture is the completion of my Spiritual Director 2-year program with Sustainable Faith. It was a wonderful experience. Thank you for all of your support in helping me to walk out the Father’s will.
I also had the privilege of serving campus staff in NE alongside Will and Len. Will invited me to this special time.
Indeed, I am grateful to be in the Lord's service.
October 2022 Ministry Update
Time is moving really fast! I can't believe we are almost in the middle of October, but we are! I hope my note finds you doing well.
I have really enjoyed my role as a Spiritual Director for our Southeast region. I am honored to spend time with people on the holy ground of their lives. We had our first regional spiritual retreat. For those who chose to meet together first, I started the day with a focus on "A Time of Refreshing." Staff were supplied a retreat guide on the topic.
I started a women's group with our Southeast women entitled, "The Collective Women of the Southeast." We've had some lively discussions so far. Prayerfully, these interactions will be encouraging ones.
The week of October 10th, I was chosen as a juror for the first time. Wow! What an interesting experience. I started out with a bad attitude, but the Holy Spirit checked me and straightened me up. I learned a whole lot.
I've connected with a new church since the pandemic. I have joined with the Renovation Church community. I just jumped right in. This fall I am leading a writer's small group, and LOVING it!
September 24th, I traveled back home to Adel, Georgia to celebrate my 50th high school reunion. Pat is a dear high school friend. We had fun!
My health has stabilized, and I am grateful for that. For the most part, I get to do just what I want to physically. Indeed, we cannot take our health for granted.
Thank you to those who invest in this ministry. I am eternally grateful. For those who may want to invest prayerfully and financially, you may do so by clicking the button below.
Blessings, and thank you!
July 2022 Ministry Update
July 2022 Ministry Update
So, July 1 started our new fiscal year. This new fiscal year brings new things for me. I started my new role as our Regional Specialist for Spiritual Formation, SE Region. I am quite excited for this opportunity. The role will include the following:
Providing spiritual direction for the Southeast Regional Leadership Team
Providing spiritual direction for regional monthly retreat days, spiritual retreats, and staff training
Offering mental health resources to staff, students, and churches as needed
Continuing engagement with Nurses Christian Fellowship
Providing resources for mental health and spiritual formation nationally
Your continued prayers and support are much appreciated. Thank you so much!
love and blessings,
May 2022 Ministry Update
May 2022 Ministry Update
As the school year has ended, I’ve got lots to be thankful for. Our God is faithful to keep his word in every way. This group picture is the completion of my Spiritual Director 2-year program with Sustainable Faith. It was a wonderful experience. Thank you for all of your support in helping me to walk out the Father’s will.
I also had the privilege of serving campus staff in NE alongside Will and Len. Will invited me to this special time.
Indeed, I am grateful to be in the Lord's service.