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Black Resilience

Do You Want to Get Well?
John 5:1-15

This seems like an absurd question.  I would think that most people who are sick want to get well.  Sometimes discouragement sets in and we make a home there-those times when it seems no way out, when our faith just doesn’t seem strong enough.  We probably have experienced these feelings at one time or another.  Or, when it feels like God has forgotten us.  And even when he shows up, we wonder, “Is he for real?  Will he do something about all of this?”


GROUP DISCUSSION:  Why wouldn’t someone want to get well?  How may you respond to their reasoning? 


REFLECTION:  How would it feel if someone asked you, “Do you want to get well?”  What signs might be apparent in you for someone to ask this question?


In this passage, an invalid laid at a “healing” pool for 38 years.  Did you catch that?  38 years!!!  38 years, hoping someone would help him into the pool that would change his life forever.  Lying there, hoping.  Lying there, hoping.  Then, Jesus shows up and asked him this strange question, “Do you want to get well?” This led to an interesting interchange with Jesus and the invalid. Read John 5:1-15.



What’s the significance of Jesus visiting the pool during his time in Jerusalem? (vv.1-3)


What was the status of the man whom Jesus interacted with? (vv.5-7)


Why would an invalid lay by the Pool of Bethesda for 38 years? (vv. 3-7)


When was there a time in your life when you felt sick and helpless?


Why do you think Jesus asked the man, “Do you want to get well?” (v.6)


What was the man’s response to Jesus’ question? (v.7)


How did Jesus show compassion to the man in the midst of his doubt? (vv. 8-9)


How did both Jesus and the invalid respond in regards to his healing? (vv. 9-15)


When have you had to answer the question, “Do you want to get well, physically, mentally, or emotionally?”


How have you responded to God when he has answered your prayer, or you are still waiting?


Jesus continually invites us to join him, knowing that he has all we need.  The invitation is always there.  We have a choice to accept it or not, as we learn to depend on His response.


Talking Points:

Read John 4:43-54 and see another account of Jesus responding to an outcast.  Jesus often did outlandish things demonstrating God’s love for everyone.  By God’s grace and power, we can do the same.

Mental & Emotional Health

Checking in with ourselves~

Ask Yourself~

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 as the highest towards health, how would you rate your level of mental and emotional stability at this time of your life?

What safeguards do you have in place to help protect your mental and emotional health?


Have you had any thoughts of wanting to harm yourself? If so, to whom have you expressed these thoughts?

How would you describe your support system?  (Those who you know are in your corner?)


How does your view of yourself compare to what you believe God thinks of you?

Is this a season of life where you may need some assistance in maintaining your mental and emotional health? Where would you start?

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